In order to continue the tourism recovery process in Peru, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) has granted the Safe Travels stamp —from the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC)— to Lima, which ensures that this destination complies with all biosafety measures to receive visitors.
Deputy Foreign Trade Minister Diego Llosa, who is in charge of the Tourism office, presented —on behalf of Mincetur— this recognition in the presence of Lima’s Mayor Jorge Muñoz, during a ceremony held on Monday at the Magic Water Circuit in the Park of the Reserve.
Llosa noted that the fact that Lima is recognized as a biosafe tourist destination shows the joint efforts carried out by public and private sectors to move the tourism activity forward.
This was of major significance, precisely yesterday, as World Tourism Day is commemorated each year on September 27.
“On such an important day like today (the World Tourism Day), it is an honor to grant the Safe Travels stamp to Lima, which includes important historical, traditional, and cultural attractions, as well as a varied culinary offer. This recognition, without a doubt, will help restore traveler confidence and recover tourism gradually,” he said on Monday.
This destination, Lima, includes three routes: the Emblematic Lima Route, the Jiron de la Union Route, and the Fuente de Luces y Sueños (Fountain of Lights and Dreams) Route, whose tourist attractions are listed below.
Emblematic Lima Route
Parque de la Muralla
Conjunto Monumental San Francisco de Lima
Museo de Sitio Bodega y Quadra
Basilica Catedral de Lima
Museo del Palacio Arzobispal de Lima
Plaza Mayor de Lima
Casa Aliaga
Alameda Chabuca Granda
Convento de Santo Domingo de Lima
Pasaje Olaya
Jiron de la Union Route – A Journey in Time:
Plaza Mayor de Lima
Plaza San Martin
Fountain of Lights and Dreams Route, in the Park of the Reserve
Parque de la Reserva
Circuito Magico del Agua