The European Union (EU) decided to recommend that its Member States lift the restrictions for travelers coming from Peru, a measure that had been imposed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Peruvian Foreign Affairs Ministry has reported.
After assessing the situation, the Council of the European Union updated the list of countries, special administrative regions, as well as other entities and territorial authorities for which travel restrictions should be lifted —which include Peru, Argentina, Colombia, and Namibia.
As stated in the recommendation of the aforementioned council, this list will continue to be reviewed every two weeks.
Since October 28, 2021, EU Member States have been gradually lifting travel restrictions.
On Friday, it was confirmed that travelers from Peru will not face an impediment to enter European territory.
The criteria, which determined lifting travel restrictions, are linked to the epidemiological situation of countries and the general response to COVID-19, as well as the reliability of the information and available data sources.