To date, 593 tourist attractions in Peru have earned the Safe Travels Stamp from the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), the world’s first ever global safety and hygiene stamp for Travel & Tourism, designed specifically to address COVID-19.
“The 25 regions across the country have been awarded the international Safe Travels Stamp, thus recognizing 68 tourist destinations made up of 164 circuits and/or tourist corridors that group 593 tourist attractions and 4,342 tourist service providers,” the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) said.

The Mincetur website provides a virtual map with the destinations, circuits, attractions and tourist service providers in all regions of Peru that have received this stamp.
This guide allows travelers to book their trips and includes details of safe destinations and services that comply with health protocols.

The virtual map is being constantly updated with the support of regional governments and shows information that is organized into regions.
As for tourist service providers, the map includes names of establishments, as well as their phone number, email address, address, and Single Taxpayers’ Registry (RUC) number.

In October 2020, Peru received the Safe Travels Stamp from the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) so that its tourist destinations can be recognized as safe and of quality.
Safe Travels destinations
Below is a list of regions and their destinations using the Safe Travels Stamp:
–Amazonas: Kuelap, Gocta, Chachapoyas-Huancas, Cuispes, Baguas, Luya-Lamud, and Leymebamba
–Ancash: Cordillera Blanca (White Range), Conchucos Sur, and Costa Pacifico
–Apurimac: Abancay and Andahuaylas
–Arequipa: Arequipa, Mollendo and Colca Valley
–Ayacucho: Ayacucho and Sondondo Valley
–Cajamarca: Cajamarca and Jaen-San Ignacio
–Callao: Callao
–Cusco: Cusco, Sacred Valley, Canchis, and Machupicchu
–Huancavelica: Huancavelica
–Huanuco: Huanuco and Tingo Maria
–Ica: Paracas, Ica, and Nasca
–Junin: Central Jungle, Tarma-Junin-Yauli, and Mantaro Valley
–La Libertad: Cascas, Morin Port, Malabrigo, Magdalena de Cao, Huanchaco, Pacasmayo, Moche, and Trujillo
–Lambayeque: Lambayeque
–Lima: Caral-Barranca, Huaura-Huaral, Lunahuana, and Nor Yauyos Cochas-Huancaya
–Loreto: Iquitos-Amazon River-Pacaya Samiria National Reserve
–Madre de Dios: Tambopata and Manu
–Moquegua: Moquegua and Ilo
–Pasco: Oxapampa
–Piura: Northern beaches in Piura, Ayabaca and Catacaos.
–Puno: Puno-Lake Titicaca.
–San Martin: Alto Mayo, Tarapoto, Abiseo and Tocache.
–Tacna: Tacna-Viejo (Old) Valley-Miculla.
–Tumbes: Northern beaches in Tumbes.
–Ucayali: Ucayali “Central Eastern Corridor”
–Metropolitan Lima: Lima, Miraflores, Barranco, Lurin, and Pachacamac.