Foreign Trade and Tourism Minister Roberto Sanchez affirmed last week that 514,000 foreign tourists visited Peru from January 1 to May 29, 2022. This is an important announcement for the country’s tourism industry.
According to the minister, this figure shows that the actions, strategies and coordination carried out at the central government level, together with regional and local governments, tourism associations and the private sector, have yielded positive results for economic recovery.
“This figure is a big announcement. Tourism has been recovering and we are making steady progress. We predicted that Peru would welcome 1.5 million tourists by the end of the year, a figure that some said is hard to reach,” he pointed out.
“However, this announcement of the arrival of 514,000 tourists proves just the opposite. The figure marks a 34.9% achievement of the goal for the end of the year. Let’s go for more,” he added.
Furthermore, Peru saw a 688.1% growth of foreign tourist arrivals between January 1 and May 29 compared to the same period in 2021.
Additionally, it should be noted that tourists from the United States, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, and Brazil accounted for 65.4% of the total number of the foreign visitors.
On the other hand, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) pointed out that the country received 137,000 tourists between May 1 and 29 this year, an additional inflow of 118,000 tourists compared to the same period in 2021.
He noted that so far this month, South America has been the main source of tourists to Peru, with a share of 43.2%, followed by North America (33.3%), Europe (18%), Central America (2.6%) and Asia (2.3%).