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Jorge Chavez Airport will not see flights from 2 am to 5 am for two months

Lima Airport Partners (LAP) —a concessionaire of Lima-based Jorge Chavez International Airport— last week announced that flights at said air terminal will not be operated from 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. for two months (between August 29 and October 29).

During this time, preventive maintenance work will be carried out on the runway, platform, and maneuvering areas of the airport.

“Regarding the maintenance work that will be carried out on the current runway at Jorge Chavez Airport, from August 29 to October 29, 2022, LAP states that this work will be completed within the framework of the Preventive Maintenance Plan for the runway, platform, and maneuvering areas,” LAP stated. 

According to the concessionaire, the plan “was communicated with due anticipation, in November 2021, thus complying with the provisions of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MTC).” 

The operating company clarified that this measure should not lead to the cancellation or rescheduling of flights because airlines were informed in advance about it.

“Airlines are provided with this information opportunely by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC) of the MTC, from which they request approval for their flight itineraries,” LAP said.

“This type of work is scheduled in advance. Therefore, the aeronautical authority proceeds to suspend the flights during these time periods. Thus, this measure does not result in the cancellation or rescheduling of flights,” it added.

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