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Peru aims to become Latin America’s top tourist destination by 2030

Foreign Trade and Tourism Minister Elizabeth Galdo indicated that her portfolio presented Plan 60 to reactivate tourism in this country and seek to position Peru as the main tourist destination in Latin America by 2030.

“At the Council of Ministers session (…), I had the opportunity to present Plan 60 aimed at reactivating tourism in our country. What did I present? First of all, our vision: What do we want to be in 2030? We want to be Latin America’s main tourist destination,” she said.

The Cabinet member indicated that, in the short term for 2024, her sector’s initial goals will be accelerated for both inbound and domestic tourism.

“Initially, a goal of 3.2 million inbound tourists was expected, but we are (now) committing to that new goal being 4.4 million (foreign) tourists; that means, we are going to regain the pre-pandemic figure,” Galdo emphasized.

“In terms of domestic tourism, we are increasing our goal, from 41.6 million (trips) to 48 million, which would also correspond to the pre-pandemic figure we had (recorded),” she added.

The minister explained that, with these results, the sector’s GDP will increase from the 2.5% growth —previously expected for the end of 2024 to 3.9%.

“What does that mean in terms of employment? We are going to provide more direct and indirect jobs, approximately 1.5 million inhabitants, including those at the base of the pyramid; it will be an important step,” Galdo underscored.

“Of course, we are going to do so in an articulated manner, with regional governments, local governments, the private sector, the Ministry of Transportation, and the Ministry of Interior,” she indicated.

Moreover, Minister Galdo said that a decrease in the frequency of international flights landing in the country has been detected.

“We want to increase frequencies, we also want new airlines to come to our country, and we are confident that we will achieve it. Let’s look at the airport (Jorge Chavez) that is being built and that is going to have many capacities,” she explained.

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